Why do we need a civil society strategy in Europe?

December 05, 2023 00:35:17
Why do we need a civil society strategy in Europe?
Torba Reportera
Why do we need a civil society strategy in Europe?

Dec 05 2023 | 00:35:17


Show Notes

The podcast was created during the international conference in Brussels organized as part of the "Reclaim our civil space!" project.

“Reclaim Our Civil Space!” is our common effort to improve the quality of our democracies. Organisations must be equipped with skills and tools to defend themselves. We help them strengthen communities of active citizens and participate in public matters. We build their capacities, especially in rural regions far from the capitals. We create cross-border networking and cooperation, and together we bring their voice to Brussels to the European level: by developing the outlines of a comprehensive European civil society strategy.

The podcast featured: Veronika Móra (Ökotárs Alapítvány), László Potozky (Fundatia pentru Parteneriat - Polgár-Társ Alapítvány), Balint Farkas (Ökotárs Alapítvány), Peter Medved (Nadácia Ekopolis), Jitka Silarszka (Nadace Partnerství), Tori Hoven oraz Nora Mehsen (EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation), Dominika Zareba (Fundusz Partnerstwa), ErnstJan Stroes (Wilde Ganzen).

See: civilspace.eu

The “Reclaim our Civil Space!” project benefits from a 1,8 million € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.


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